
Dover Lodge #489

Masonic Lodge of Westlake, Ohio

One More Crosses the Threshhold

Masonic_SymbolsCongratulations to our newest Brother who was made a Mason last evening. Our thanks go to the Brethren who gave all of their energy to make sure this was a memorable night for our newest Dover Lodge member. The Masonic professionalism was impressive, to say the least! We enjoyed a pizza party afterward, and heard a dramatic reading of Dan Brown’s latest book (‘The Lost Symbol’). Of course, the fellowship lasted well into the night!

Brethren, our schedule is already booked solid through the end of the year and beyond. New petitions continue to come in (in fact, we received another last night after the degree work) and Dover Lodge continues to grow by leaps and bounds. While we’re very pleased by the numbers, it is the quality of men approaching our doors that is the most exciting part. Dover Lodge has found itself in a position whereby we have been able to remain very selective about who partakes in the Mysteries of Freemasonry within our Masonic walls. We are proud of our selectiveness, just as we are proud of the men who do become a part of us.

These are indeed very exciting times at Dover Lodge. If you’re interested in the kind of Masonry that has been practiced for hundreds of years (and more), come join us. We’re sure you’ll leave with a smile on your face, a brotherly hand on your back, and profound thought in your mind.

Author: Webmaster

Managing the Dover Lodge Web Site since 2008.

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