
Dover Lodge #489

Masonic Lodge of Westlake, Ohio

Just Announced – EA Exam Practice

The Lamp of KnowledgeBrethren, Dover Lodge will be holding a practice session for all those preparing for their Entered Apprentice examination. Several Master Masons will be on-hand at Dover Lodge on Thursday October 8th at 7:30pm to assist our Entered Apprentices with the exam work. All Brethren from all regular Ohio lodges are welcome to attend! Attendees are asked to bring an item to share for “munchies”, whether finger-food, snacks or dessert. Exam practice will take place in the Lodge Room, walking through the entire ritual as many times as the Brethren request.

Dover Lodge cares greatly that the work of the exam be learned thoroughly by every Mason of every degree. This session will focus solely on the Entered Apprentice exam, but all Fellow Crafts and Master Masons are encouraged to attend and assist these worthy Entered Apprentices in their work. Dress is casual.

We believe that the memorization of the exam work is merely the “muscle memory” on the Masonic Path, and that the deeper meanings become clearer and more impactful after the memorization has taken place. Practice will be carried out behind closed doors and by mouth to ear, as it has been for hundreds of years (although EAs are certainly encouraged to bring their exam booklets for reference). Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts from sister lodges must be accompanied by a Brother Master Mason, or know a Dover Master Mason who can vouch for them. No Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft will be admitted unless they are a member of Dover Lodge, or are vouched for by another Master Mason.

Brethren, please join us for a time of learning and fun in an environment of support!

Author: Webmaster

Managing the Dover Lodge Web Site since 2008.

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